Produkt zum Begriff IT-Management:
IT Systems Management
The best-practice guide to managing IT infrastructures–now fully updated! IT Systems Management is an up-to-the-minute guide to maintaining stable, responsive IT production environments. Top IT systems management expert Rich Schiesser illuminates both the theoretical and practical aspects of systems management, using methods and examples drawn from decades of experience leading and consulting with the world’s most complex enterprise IT organizations. This thoroughly updated edition covers every systems management discipline and all elements of success: people, process, and technology. Schiesser shows how to apply best-practice system management throughout all IT infrastructure environments, from mainframe data centers to web-enabled systems, client/server and mid-range platforms to wireless and VoIP networks. Schiesser systematically addresses today’s most crucial issues, as well as emerging trends that will transform IT systems management. You’ll find an entirely new chapter on using IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) effectively, plus new coverage ranging from managing outsourced functions to efficiently delivering “ultra-speed” Internet connections. This edition includes more real-life examples throughout, and new interactive problems designed to give IT professionals even deeper insight. Coverage includes: • Implementing bullet-proof processes in areas ranging from change management to production acceptance, capacity planning to storage • Optimizing the “people” components of IT service delivery, from customer service to executive support • Using technology to manage systems more efficiently and effectively • Systematically managing performance, availability, and business continuity • Reducing the cost and complexity of IT facilities management • Taking a more strategic approach to security Rich Schiesser founded and owns RWS Enterprises, Inc., a consultancy that specializes in designing and implementing world-class IT infrastructures. His client list has included The Weather Channel,, and DIRECTV. He has led major IT infrastructure organizations at Hughes Aircraft, the City of Los Angeles, and Twentieth Century Fox. For nearly ten years, he managed the primary data center at Northrop Grumman, one of the world’s most advanced computer facilities. A former University of Phoenix faculty member, he has taught IT management at UCLA and California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).
Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Handbuch IT-Management
Handbuch IT-Management , - Lernen Sie die Methoden und Techniken für ein erfolgreiches IT-Management kennen - Aktuelles Wissen und Praxis-Tipps für Ihren Berufsalltag - Profiwissen für erfahrene und werdende IT-Manager (IT-Leiter, CIO, CTO, CDO, Projektleiter, Enterprise IT-Architekten, Data Manager, Cloud-Manager, Technologiemanager) - Von 18 Expert:innen aus Unternehmenspraxis, Consulting-Firmen und Hochschulen - Ihr exklusiver Vorteil: E-Book inside beim Kauf des gedruckten Buches IT-Management ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für alle Unternehmen und Dienstleistungsorganisationen. Deshalb nehmen IT-Verantwortliche eine zunehmend zentrale Rolle ein. Gestützt durch leistungsfähige Technologien wie Big Data und Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, durch mobile Endgeräte und neue Formen der Vernetzung (IoT u. a.) sowie weitere digitale Innovationen (KI, AR u. a.) werden völlig neue Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Prozesse entwickelt und erfolgreich realisiert bzw. implementiert. Damit Sie als IT-Manager für die Praxis gerüstet sind, bietet Ihnen dieses Handbuch umfassendes und unverzichtbares Wissen zu allen wichtigen Handlungsfeldern der IT sowie Unterstützung für die erfolgreiche Nutzung bewährter Methoden und Instrumente. Diese Auflage wurde umfassend aktualisiert und durch innovative Managementthemen, wie z.B. IT-Sourcing, IT-Relationship-Management oder Digitale Transformation erweitert. Mit Beiträgen von Robert Bergmann, Matthias Farwick, Vanessa Greger, Torsten Groll, Norbert Gronau, Christiana Klingenberg, Michael Klotz, Dietmar Kopperger, Helmut Krcmar, Jörg Kunsmann, Klaus Schmidt, Tobias Schmidt, Ernst Tiemeyer, Thomas Trojer, Kristin Weber, Anette Weisbecker, Walter Wintersteiger und Helmut Zsifkovits AUS DEM INHALT // - Strategisches IT-Management - Digitalisierung managen - Enterprise Architecture Management - Daten- und Informationsmanagement - Geschäftsprozessorientierte Softwaresysteme - Cloud Computing - IT-Sourcing - IT-Anforderungsmanagement - IT-System- und IT-Servicemanagement - Digital Workplace Management - IT-Organisation - Personalmanagement im IT-Bereich - IT-Controlling - Lizenzmanagement in der IT - Enterprise IT-Governance - Information Security Management - IT-Compliance - Partnermanagement in der IT - Enterprise IT-Projektmanagement - Digitale Transformation , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Auflage: 8., überarbeitete Auflage, Erscheinungsjahr: 20230317, Produktform: Kassette, Inhalt/Anzahl: 1, Inhalt/Anzahl: 1, Redaktion: Tiemeyer, Ernst, Auflage: 23008, Auflage/Ausgabe: 8., überarbeitete Auflage, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 1110, Keyword: IT-Architektur; IT-Governance; IT-Management; IT-Manager; IT-Strategie, Fachschema: Wirtschaft / Wirtschaftsmathematik~Wirtschaftsmathematik~Wirtschaftsrechnen~Informatik~Informationstechnologie~IT~Technologie / Informationstechnologie~EDV / Theorie / Recht~Recht (EDV)~Cloud Computing, Fachkategorie: Wirtschaftsmathematik und -informatik, IT-Management~Informatik~Rechtliche Fragen der IT~Cloud Computing, Thema: Optimieren, Warengruppe: HC/Informatik, Fachkategorie: Informationstechnologie, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: ger, Sender’s product category: BUNDLE, Verlag: Hanser Fachbuchverlag, Verlag: Hanser Fachbuchverlag, Verlag: Hanser, Carl, Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Länge: 246, Breite: 184, Höhe: 64, Gewicht: 1986, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Beinhaltet: B0000062769001 B0000062769002, Beinhaltet EAN: 9783446914469 9783446914476, Vorgänger: 2335268, Vorgänger EAN: 9783446461840 9783446443471 9783446435575 9783446427518 9783446418424, eBook EAN: 9783446477520 9783446474642, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0100, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 317515
Preis: 69.99 € | Versand*: 0 € -
PM Crash Course for IT Professionals: Real-World Project Management Tools and Techniques for IT Initiatives
Real-world project management tools and techniques you can start using today!IT professionals are often faced with extremely challenging project deployments, as well as initiatives that are mission-critical to their organizations. For IT project managers, a strong understanding of the discipline of project management can be invaluable—both to success with individual projects and to their overall careers. However, most books and training materials on project management pay little or no attention to the unique challenges IT project managers face.PM Crash Course™ for IT Professionals is full of project management tools that you can apply immediately to your IT projects—to deliver them on time, on budget, and with fewer headaches. Authored by world-renowned project management trainer Rita Mulcahy, this book will help you get your IT projects back on track using proven, real-world project management tools and techniques.This revolutionary Course in a Book® covers the basics of project management, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, and more. It also moves beyond the basics to cover a number of real-world project management tools and techniques for IT initiatives. The authors provide indispensable practical checklists, templates, and exercises to reinforce your learning of these concepts. The book includes dozens of tricks, insights, and contributions from real project managers sharing what has made a difference for them when managing real-world projects. If you are looking for easy-to-use tools and processes to make an immediate impact on your current IT project, PM Crash Course™ for IT Professionals is the resource for you. Rita Mulcahy, PMP, founder and CEO of RMC Project Management, is the most popular project management author in the world. Since 1991, hundreds of thousands of project managers have utilized her 30+ best-selling books and resources to expand their project management knowledge and further their careers. Real-World Issues Covered: • Understanding why IT projects fail--—and preventing failure • Defining effective IT project charters and requirements• Organizing IT roadmaps into manageable projects• Capturing, creating, and using historical data • Establishing “soft” and “hard” project metrics and milestones • Defining project scope, and avoiding scope creep• Identifying and managing stakeholders and expectations• Choosing the right PM tools for your needs—including in-house, hosted, and cloud-based solutions
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
"The main strength is, in my opinion, in the way the author balances theory and practice always backing empirical findings with theoretical and academic references and always translating concepts and theories into examples and cases." Dr David Monciardini, Senior Lecturer in Management, University of Exeter Develop your critical thinking for enhanced employability outcomes in management Management: Using Practice and Theory to Develop Skills, 8th edition by David Boddy, is a market-leading text in Management and an essential reading resource for today's students and tomorrow's managers. For 20 years, this text has introduced managers and students to the theory and practice of this broad discipline. As a comprehensive introduction to the themes and functions of management, this book is an accessible and academically rigorous guide through the field. Now in its 8th Edition, this textbook continues to be the most up-to-date and reliable text in its field. It enables you to think critically by providing real-life case studies and linking theory to the six most critical employability skills employers look for - transforming you into the highly employable leader of tomorrow. With this edition you also get access to the latest empirical evidence, case studies and employability tasks based on organisational management problems in the real world, making it easier for you even if you hold a diverse background and have alternate career intentions. Key features include: Updated chapter case studies that link closely with theory, including Ryanair, BBC, Carlsberg, Google, and the Co-Op, featuring two new examples (W.L. Gore and Associates, and Amazon) Examples linking Management and Sustainability New empirical evidence (often in the "Key Ideas" feature) on key aspects of theory, including managers' preferred sources of information; how investors in high-tech start-ups decide who to back; how culture affects risk-taking by entrepreneurs; and the link between bureaucracy and performance.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie finde ich ein Praktikum im Bereich IT-Management?
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, ein Praktikum im Bereich IT-Management zu finden. Eine Möglichkeit ist es, sich direkt bei Unternehmen zu bewerben, die IT-Management-Praktika anbieten. Man kann auch Jobportale und Karriereseiten von Unternehmen durchsuchen, um offene Praktikumsstellen zu finden. Networking und Kontakte zu nutzen, kann auch hilfreich sein, um Praktikumschancen im IT-Management zu finden.
Was sind die wichtigsten Prinzipien, die ein erfolgreiches IT-Management ausmachen?
Die wichtigsten Prinzipien für erfolgreiches IT-Management sind eine klare Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Teams, eine strategische Ausrichtung auf die Geschäftsziele des Unternehmens und eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung und Anpassung der IT-Strategie an sich verändernde Anforderungen und Technologien. Zudem ist es wichtig, Risiken zu identifizieren und zu managen, um die Sicherheit und Stabilität der IT-Systeme zu gewährleisten. Ein effektives Ressourcenmanagement und die Einhaltung von Best Practices und Standards sind ebenfalls entscheidend für den Erfolg des IT-Managements.
Welche Methoden und Tools werden im IT-Management eingesetzt, um die Effizienz und Sicherheit von IT-Systemen zu gewährleisten?
Im IT-Management werden Methoden wie ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) und Tools wie IT-Service-Management-Software eingesetzt, um Prozesse zu standardisieren und zu optimieren. Außerdem werden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie Firewalls, Antivirensoftware und Verschlüsselungstechnologien verwendet, um die Sicherheit von IT-Systemen zu gewährleisten. Monitoring-Tools wie Nagios oder SolarWinds werden genutzt, um die Leistung und Verfügbarkeit von IT-Systemen zu überwachen und bei Bedarf schnell eingreifen zu können.
Wie kann IT-Service-Management dabei helfen, die Effizienz und Effektivität der IT-Abteilung in einem Unternehmen zu verbessern?
IT-Service-Management kann dabei helfen, Prozesse zu standardisieren und zu automatisieren, um die Effizienz der IT-Abteilung zu steigern. Durch klare Service-Level-Agreements und ein effektives Incident- und Problem-Management können Ausfallzeiten reduziert und die Effektivität der IT-Abteilung verbessert werden. Zudem ermöglicht IT-Service-Management eine bessere Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Teams innerhalb der IT-Abteilung.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für IT-Management:
Service Intelligence: Improving Your Bottom Line with the Power of IT Service Management
Get the Right IT Services, on the Right terms, Without Hassles or Overpaying To gain the full benefits of technology—and avoid the staggering costs of technology failure—you must manage IT with vision, direction, and expertise. Only one set of methods is robust enough to do this: IT Service Management (ITSM). In Service Intelligence, ITSM pioneer Sharon Taylor shows business managers how to make the most of it. You’ll learn how to ensure service quality, anticipate vulnerabilities, improve reliability, and link IT directly to business performance. Taylor explains ITSM from a true business point of view, cutting through jargon and helping you drive value without becoming overly technical. She gives you powerful tools for negotiating IT services more effectively, improving IT ROI, and escaping “captivity” to either internal or external IT providers. Coverage includes • Recognizing what excellent IT service looks like and assessing what you’re getting now • Selecting the best IT service providers and services for your needs • Spotting and rectifying trouble with internal or external supplier relationships • Making sure you don’t pay for services you don’t need • Negotiating services, requirements, levels, price, quality, and delivery • Leveraging ITSM practices without losing focus on the business • Creating business-focused service reports and scorecards that focus on what matters most
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
IT Systems Management
The best-practice guide to managing IT infrastructures–now fully updated! IT Systems Management is an up-to-the-minute guide to maintaining stable, responsive IT production environments. Top IT systems management expert Rich Schiesser illuminates both the theoretical and practical aspects of systems management, using methods and examples drawn from decades of experience leading and consulting with the world’s most complex enterprise IT organizations. This thoroughly updated edition covers every systems management discipline and all elements of success: people, process, and technology. Schiesser shows how to apply best-practice system management throughout all IT infrastructure environments, from mainframe data centers to web-enabled systems, client/server and mid-range platforms to wireless and VoIP networks. Schiesser systematically addresses today’s most crucial issues, as well as emerging trends that will transform IT systems management. You’ll find an entirely new chapter on using IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) effectively, plus new coverage ranging from managing outsourced functions to efficiently delivering “ultra-speed” Internet connections. This edition includes more real-life examples throughout, and new interactive problems designed to give IT professionals even deeper insight. Coverage includes: • Implementing bullet-proof processes in areas ranging from change management to production acceptance, capacity planning to storage • Optimizing the “people” components of IT service delivery, from customer service to executive support • Using technology to manage systems more efficiently and effectively • Systematically managing performance, availability, and business continuity • Reducing the cost and complexity of IT facilities management • Taking a more strategic approach to security Rich Schiesser founded and owns RWS Enterprises, Inc., a consultancy that specializes in designing and implementing world-class IT infrastructures. His client list has included The Weather Channel,, and DIRECTV. He has led major IT infrastructure organizations at Hughes Aircraft, the City of Los Angeles, and Twentieth Century Fox. For nearly ten years, he managed the primary data center at Northrop Grumman, one of the world’s most advanced computer facilities. A former University of Phoenix faculty member, he has taught IT management at UCLA and California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
PM Crash Course for IT Professionals: Real-World Project Management Tools and Techniques for IT Initiatives
Real-world project management tools and techniques you can start using today!IT professionals are often faced with extremely challenging project deployments, as well as initiatives that are mission-critical to their organizations. For IT project managers, a strong understanding of the discipline of project management can be invaluable—both to success with individual projects and to their overall careers. However, most books and training materials on project management pay little or no attention to the unique challenges IT project managers face.PM Crash Course™ for IT Professionals is full of project management tools that you can apply immediately to your IT projects—to deliver them on time, on budget, and with fewer headaches. Authored by world-renowned project management trainer Rita Mulcahy, this book will help you get your IT projects back on track using proven, real-world project management tools and techniques.This revolutionary Course in a Book® covers the basics of project management, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, and more. It also moves beyond the basics to cover a number of real-world project management tools and techniques for IT initiatives. The authors provide indispensable practical checklists, templates, and exercises to reinforce your learning of these concepts. The book includes dozens of tricks, insights, and contributions from real project managers sharing what has made a difference for them when managing real-world projects. If you are looking for easy-to-use tools and processes to make an immediate impact on your current IT project, PM Crash Course™ for IT Professionals is the resource for you. Rita Mulcahy, PMP, founder and CEO of RMC Project Management, is the most popular project management author in the world. Since 1991, hundreds of thousands of project managers have utilized her 30+ best-selling books and resources to expand their project management knowledge and further their careers. Real-World Issues Covered: • Understanding why IT projects fail--—and preventing failure • Defining effective IT project charters and requirements• Organizing IT roadmaps into manageable projects• Capturing, creating, and using historical data • Establishing “soft” and “hard” project metrics and milestones • Defining project scope, and avoiding scope creep• Identifying and managing stakeholders and expectations• Choosing the right PM tools for your needs—including in-house, hosted, and cloud-based solutions
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
“The main strength is, in my opinion, in the way the author balances theory and practice – always backing empirical findings with theoretical and academic references and always translating concepts and theories into examples and cases.”Dr David Monciardini, Senior Lecturer in Management, University of Exeter Enable critical thinking for enhanced employability outcomes Management: Using Practice and Theory to Develop Skills, 8th Edition, by David Boddy is a market-leading text which today’s students and tomorrow’s managers need to read. For 20 years this text has introduced managers and students to the theory and practice of this broad discipline. A comprehensive introduction to the themes and functions of management, this book is an accessible and academically rigorous guide through the field. Now into its 8th Edition, it continues to be the most up-to-date and reliable text of its kind. It enables your critical thinking by providing real-life case studies, and linking theory to six most critical employability skills which employers are looking for - transforming you into highly employable leader of tomorrow. With this edition, you also get access to the latest empirical evidence, case studies and employability tasks based on organisational management problems in the real world, making it easier for you even if you hold a diverse background and have alternate career intentions. Key features: Updated chapter case studies that link closely with theory, including Ryanair, BBC, Carlsberg, Google, Dyson, the Co-op, Crossrail, Facebook and Zara. There are two new ones - W.L Gore and Associates, and Amazon. More coverage of entrepreneurship, and a new chapter on Managing Change More examples of the links between management and sustainability New empirical evidence (often in the ‘Key ideas’ feature) on key aspects of theory, including managers’ preferred sources of information; how investors in high-tech start-ups decide who to back; how culture affects risk taking by entrepreneurs; and the link between bureaucracy and performance. Additional material is on the Companion Website, with a clear link from the text at This new edition builds on established pedagogic features, and adds two new themes which appear consistently in each chapter: The idea that managers add value by performing tasks and processes within a context The skills of clear thinking help students develop not only theoretical knowledge, but also their understanding of practice and of identifiable skill – which are likely to be valuable far into the future This title is also available in Revel - Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables you to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience — for less than the cost of a traditional textbook. Learn more about Revel. David Boddy is formerly a Reader, and then a Research Fellow at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
"Was sind die Schlüsselfaktoren für ein effektives IT-Asset-Management in Unternehmen?" "Wie kann ein Unternehmen das IT-Asset-Management optimieren, um Kosten zu senken und die Effizienz zu steigern?"
Die Schlüsselfaktoren für ein effektives IT-Asset-Management sind eine klare Inventarisierung aller IT-Ressourcen, regelmäßige Aktualisierung der Daten, sowie die Implementierung von Automatisierungstools zur Überwachung und Verwaltung der Assets. Ein Unternehmen kann das IT-Asset-Management optimieren, indem es auf eine zentrale Datenbank für alle Assets setzt, regelmäßige Audits durchführt, um nicht genutzte oder veraltete Ressourcen zu identifizieren, und Prozesse zur Kostenkontrolle und Budgetierung implementiert, um die Ausgaben zu optimieren. Durch die Verbesserung der Transparenz, Kontrolle und Effizienz des IT-Asset-Managements können Unternehmen Kosten senken und die Produktivität steigern.
Wie kann IT-Service-Management effektiv eingesetzt werden, um die Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit von IT-Dienstleistungen in einem Unternehmen zu verbessern?
IT-Service-Management kann effektiv eingesetzt werden, indem klare Prozesse definiert und implementiert werden, um den IT-Service-Lebenszyklus zu verwalten. Durch die Nutzung von Tools und Technologien können Prozesse automatisiert und überwacht werden, um die Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit der IT-Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. Regelmäßige Überprüfungen und Anpassungen der Prozesse sind entscheidend, um kontinuierlich Verbesserungen vorzunehmen und den Service-Level zu optimieren.
Wie kann IT-Management dazu beitragen, die Effizienz und Sicherheit von Unternehmensnetzwerken zu verbessern?
IT-Management kann durch regelmäßige Überwachung und Wartung der Netzwerkinfrastruktur sicherstellen, dass alle Systeme optimal funktionieren. Durch Implementierung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien und regelmäßige Schulungen für Mitarbeiter können potenzielle Sicherheitslücken geschlossen werden. Die Nutzung von automatisierten Tools und Prozessen kann die Effizienz steigern und die Reaktionszeit bei Problemen verkürzen.
Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien und Best Practices von ITIL im Bereich IT-Service-Management?
Die grundlegenden Prinzipien von ITIL im Bereich IT-Service-Management sind die Fokussierung auf den Kunden, die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Services und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Teams. Best Practices umfassen die Erstellung von Servicekatalogen, die Implementierung von Change Management-Prozessen und die regelmäßige Überwachung der Service-Level-Agreements. ITIL zielt darauf ab, die Effizienz, Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit im IT-Service-Management zu steigern.
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